Globalia’s 2nd Virtual Meeting held on the 14th and 15th of November was a perfect opportunity for network members to assemble virtually and carry on with their business talks
Six major webzines of the transportation and logistics sector cover the news of Globalia Logistics Network’s 2nd Virtual Meeting. The online conference ensured that the delegates get to network and collaborate without leaving the safety of their homes. During the two days of the meeting, Globalia hosted 1150 one-to-one video conferences among network members. The one-to-one meetings among freight forwarders allowed them to consolidate their partnerships and work on more concerted projects with their network partners. In other words, the meeting helped to achieve the fundamental goal of the network viz. the business expansion of the member companies.
The news of the event was covered by AJOT, and Logistics Business, Actualidad Maritima y Portuaria, DC Velocity and Cargo Breaking News.

AJOT aka American Journal of Transportation is a leading online journal of the logistics sector. It covers the latest news and insights from the freight forwarding industry.
Logistics Business is an UK based online supply chain journal. It is a comprehensive database of all the important news and reports from the transportation and logistics sector.
Actualidad Maritima y Portuaria is a Spain based web journal that has been publishing supply chain news since 2009. They are an initiative of the students and professors of the International Maritime Business School.
DC Velocity is a leading multi-media magazine serving the specific informational needs of professionals in the logistics sector. This US based logistics magazine offers comprehensive coverage of the supply chain industry.
Cargo Breaking News is India’s No. 1 platform for cargo, multimodal logistics, warehousing, and all other sub-sectors in the supply chain industry. Furthermore, this magazine includes several sections like news, opinions and interviews from the freight forwarding sector.
Jioforme is a news portal dedicated to several topics like business, health, sports, and technology. With a vast network of strategically located correspondents all over the world, they publish a wide selection of breaking news stories.
The press release published in the above six websites talks in-depth about the successful outcome of Globalia’s 2nd Virtual Meeting. They mention how during the present travel restrictions, the network members were able to conduct their business discussion online. Additionally, the reports also touch on the FreightViewer workshops that acquainted the delegates with the newest updates of Globalia’s cutting edge rate management system.
Make sure to click on the above links and check out their coverage of our online conference!