The meeting has set a new record attendance for the network

Globalia Logistics Network’s 3rd Annual Meeting which was held at Abu Dhabi, UAE, from 13th -15th March 2019, welcomed over 106 attendees exclusively representing more than 50 countries who got to promote their business on a truly global platform. After the grand success of Globalia’s 2nd Annual Meeting, which witnessed a 60% growth in attendance, the members came together once again to touch base with their fellow network members for enhanced possibilities of teamwork in the months to come. This year’s event has been all the more special since it has surpassed even the last year’s attendance record.
During the meeting, the members were given a personal demonstration of FreightViewer, Globalia’s new freight rate management software which will digitize the freight rate dissemination system while allowing the members to create instant online quotations for their clients and partners. Apart from that, every delegate got to schedule a maximum of 22 one-to-one meetings which formed the most important networking activity of this event. Thanks to these meetings, agents got to secure many new collaborative businesses and got a chance to showcase their accomplishments.
Some of the highlights of the conference included a welcome cocktail reception and a gala dinner party at the Byblos Sur Mer Restaurant, which was literally the pinnacle of the event. “Within less than 3 years since our formation, our network is already represented by 183 members in over 127 countries. The Annual Meetings help to foster the spirit of teamwork within the network and allows the members to personally meet their partners and secure a great many projects. Putting it simply, it allows our members to achieve a lot more than they could have done over months of phone calls or email conversations,” says Mr. Antonio Torres, Founder, and CEO of Globalia Logistics Network.
After attending the Annual Meeting, a member commented, “We are totally contented with the manner in which they conduct the Annual Meetings. It not just helps us obtain new projects from other members but also allows us to make the most of GLB’s truly global outreach. My experience at Abu Dhabi had been fantastic and I am definitely joining the team in the coming year,”